About Us
The Saskatchewan Trucking Association is the leader and voice for truck transport in the province of Saskatchewan.
Driving the Economy Since 1937
As proactive trusted advisors, the STA is a knowledgeable membership association that represents the collective interests of the truck transport industry through authentic advocacy and education.
Representing the trucking industry since 1937, the STA has been the voice of truck transport for over 80 years. The STA is governed by a volunteer board of directors comprised of owners and operators of trucking companies and affiliate members from supplier companies.
Our Vision
To be the leading voice for safe and professional truck transport in the province of Saskatchewan.
Our Mission
The STA is an accountable and engaged membership-based association that represents the collective interests of the truck transport industry. As proactive trusted advisors, we promote advocacy, knowledge, training, education, and safety in all our activities.
Our Values
Focused on promoting and ensuring the highest level of safety and high-quality services to all facets of operations.
Commitment to Excellence
We will constantly strive to improve the Association’s performance through a commitment to excellence across all areas of operation.
Community and Partnerships
The STA actively seeks, develops, and enhances partnerships with government, industry institutions, commercial groups, and the public to achieve goals.
The STA will always promote the highest behavioural and ethical standards.
The STA is committed to developing an organization that is innovative in the areas of strategic priority.
Development and Education
The STA offers a wide variety of opportunities for drivers, operators, leaders, administrators, and volunteers to access education and professional development.
The Association and the trucking community is inclusive to all persons.
Memberships and Affiliations
Apart from its role on the CTA Board of Directors, the STA maintains affiliations with various associations, such as the British Columbia Trucking Association, the Alberta Motor Transport Association, the Manitoba Trucking Association, the Ontario Trucking Association, the Quebec Trucking Association, and the Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association.
Additionally, the STA holds periodic meetings with the North Dakota Motor Transport Association and the Motor Carriers of Montana Association to address shared concerns and interests.
Do you need a solution to reduce your work place injuries & illnesses?
Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition
Are you looking to provide your employees with new skills? Is having a safe and employee-friendly workplace part of your company culture? The Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition (CoR) is an industry-evaluated health & safety program recognized by the WCB and Work Safe Saskatchewan.