We are pleased to offer a variety of training courses created specifically for the Commercial Trucking Industry.
Online registration enables you to enroll yourself or multiple students simultaneously. Upon registration, you can opt for immediate payment or choose to be invoiced. Following registration, you'll promptly receive your Student Materials and Zoom link.
All courses are accessible to both members and non-members. STA Members enjoy a substantial discount when registering online and accessing their STA Member Account.
Instructor-led classes are conducted virtually via Zoom. Upon registration confirmation, you'll receive a confirmation email containing the Zoom link and student materials.
For groups of 5 or more employees requiring training in the same class (e.g., HOS, TDG, or Cargo Securement), please contact us at (306) 994-8730, and we'll gladly organize on-site instruction.
We also provide a variety of self-paced online courses through Carrier’s Edge and Chainsmart allowing you to complete them at your convenience.
STA Cancellation Policy
Course fees will be fully refunded upon request until ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled class. A $200 administrative fee will be applied to refund requests received with less than ten (10) business days till the scheduled class. No refunds will be issued with less than (48 hrs) 2 days’ notice till the scheduled class.
Cancellation Fee: $200.00; applied 9 day(s) before course start date.
STA Re-Write Fee Policy
Should a student fail the exam they will be allowed to re-write it only once, at a fee of $125.00 +Tax. Should the student fail the re-write they will be required to re-take the course again at the full price.Training Opportunities

The STA provides a comprehensive range of programs tailored to enhance your skills and knowledge.

STA Online Training
Online training courses for commercial drivers, provided in partnership with CarriersEdge, ChainSmart, and SkillBuilder.

Training Calendar
Scheduling information for all upcoming Saskatchewan Trucking Association Training Courses.

Books & Products
Browse our inventory of guides and log books for the trucking industry.

Saskatchewan Trucking Association offers first-class safety and industry training, provided by certified, experienced, and respected instructors. Here's what a few of our recent training graduates have to say.
Do you need a solution to reduce your work place injuries & illnesses?
Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition
Are you looking to provide your employees with new skills? Is having a safe and employee-friendly workplace part of your company culture? The Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition (CoR) is an industry-evaluated health & safety program recognized by the WCB and Work Safe Saskatchewan.