Welcome to the Saskatchewan Trucking Association! Driving the economy since 1937, we are the leader and voice for truck transport in the province of Saskatchewan, Canada.
What does membership entail? For trucking companies, it signifies actively participating in the industry's progress, harnessing the collective strength to drive positive change in the business environment. For affiliates, it translates to fostering connections, receiving promotion, and enjoying industry support.
Carrier Membership
The STA is the leader and voice for truck transport in the province of Saskatchewan. Secure your place alongside influential trucking company executives and prominent figures in supporting industries.
Membership provides avenues for advocacy, industry education, and business support. The trucking sector plays a crucial role in sustaining the Saskatchewan way of life.
We invite you to have your voice heard and become part of the STA today.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Members are unwavering champions of the trucking industry, and we, in turn, champion your company.
As an Affiliate Member, you gain access to STA's annual events, such as the STA Golf Classic and our AGM & Gala, along with a plethora of sponsorship possibilities.
Becoming an Affiliate Member with the STA is your initial stride towards expanding your network and enhancing your business.
Carrier Members Pricing
Carrier Company
A company whose primary business operation is the transportation of goods either for hire or privately.
Annual Fees
1 Driver: $325.00
2 - 5 Drivers: $645.00
6 - 14 Drivers: $855.00
15 - 29 Drivers: $1,659.00
30 - 59 Drivers: $2,359.00
60 - 99 Drivers: $3,214.00
100 - 250 Drivers: $4,496.00
250 + Drivers: $5,892.00
An out-of-province carrier company is defined as not having any drivers or terminals in the Province of Saskatchewan.
Annual Fees
Flat Rate: $886.00
Affiliate Members Pricing
A non-carrier company associated with the trucking industry that operates throughout the province of Saskatchewan.
Annual Fees
Flat Rate: $1,145.00
A non-carrier company associated with the trucking industry that operates across Canada or North America.
Annual Fees
Flat Rate: $1,437.00
STA Sponsorship & Advertising Opportunities
Get Involved!
Sponsorship fuels events and programs, while advertising puts your brand directly in front of an industry-specific audience. We are flexible, no matter the budget!