Affiliate Membership Application
Becoming an Affiliate Member with the STA is your first step to growing your network and building your business.
This form is intended for Affiliate Membership. Simply put, if your firm is not a Carrier that operates with one or more driver, you're in the right place. If you are a Carrier, please use our Carrier Membership Application Form.
Ready to join the STA?
Complete the form below and submit your payment by credit card.
Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
{ "Fields": [], "Alias": "affiliatemembershipapplication-billinginfo", "Params": { "groupalias": "affiliatemembershipapplication-billinginfo", "entitytype": "contact", "collectionvariable": "AffBill", "type": "CRMContactCustomGroup", "entityid": "", "layout": "" } }