Annual Truck Ride for Special Olympics Saskatchewan!
Starts: Saturday, September 10, 2022 - 8:00 am
Ends: Saturday, September 10, 2022 - 10:30 pm
Location: Regina and Saskatoon
16th Annual Truck Ride for Special Olympics Saskatchewan!

Join truck drivers across Saskatchewan on September 10th, 2022 and be part of the 16th Annual Truck Ride for Special Olympics Saskatchewan! Saskatchewan Law Enforcement Torch Run [LETR] officers will escort two separate Truck Rides through Regina and Saskatoon to help raise awareness and funds for Special Olympics Saskatchewan Athletes. To participate, drivers must fill out a registration form and submit their registration fee of $100.00. Drivers can collect additional pledges to secure the LEAD TRUCK POSITION in the Ride. Register today by visiting the following link: www.saskatchewanletr.com/truck-ride, or contact Victoria at vlacelle@specialolympics.sk.ca.
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We are dedicated to encouraging more women to explore careers in trucking—whether as drivers, dispatchers, dock workers, or beyond.