Government Reception 2023
- You must be registered before the event and bring a piece of government-issued photo identification to be admitted inside the event.
- Business attire is recommended.
- Appetizers and refreshments will be provided.
- A cash bar will be available.
To our members,
As a member of the Saskatchewan Trucking Association, we strive to connect you with Government Stakeholders. This is your opportunity to network with local and provincial Government officials, from the Honourable Jeremy Cockrill, Minister of Highways, to Her Worship Sandra Masters, Mayor of Regina. You will not want to miss out!
Starts: Monday, May 08, 2023 - 4:00 pm
Ends: Monday, May 08, 2023 - 7:00 pm
Location: Room 218 Legislative Building - 2405 Legislative Dr, Regina SK. S4S 0B3
Seats Available: 0 of 100
Registration Closed
STA Training
We have a downloadable Training Catalogue!
Don't wait - sign up for one of our courses today and take the first step towards becoming a safer, more knowledgeable driver!