10 Paid Sick Days for Federally Regulated Employees

Nov 30, 2022

Effective today, December 1, 2022, Bill C-3 requires all federally regulated employers (interprovincial/international carriers) to provide their employees with 10 paid sick days per year. Additionally, personal leave entitlements are amended to no longer include personal sickness and/or injury.

Who’s Covered?

  • There is no distinction based on employment status, meaning all part-time, full-time, casual and fixed term contracted employees are eligible.
  • There are no exceptions based on the size of the company.
  • These paid sick days do not apply to students.
  • These days do not apply to provincially regulated employees.
  • The employee must meet the eligibility requirements.

For more information, please ensure you are logged into your member account. Then you can access it here

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