All Roads Lead to Safety: Saskatchewan Sees Lowest Number of Recorded Road Fatalities in 2019
January 29, 2020
The Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA) is happy to see the recent report from Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) on the reduced fatalities on Saskatchewan roads. SGI is reporting that 71 people were killed in collisions in 2019, down significantly from 129 fatalities in 2018. The previous 10-year average (2008-2018) was 140 fatalities per year.
This is good news for Saskatchewan who historically has been near the top of the list in Canada for road fatalities. Safety has become the ultimate priority for the Saskatchewan Trucking Association. When we lobby the government or work with our members through training, it’s all in the name of safety. Around here, the STA likes to think we can #MakeSafetyCoolAgain.
STA Executive Director, Susan Ewart says, “safety is the number one driver of fatalities being lower. Many companies today have policies around driving in inclement weather and when you enforce said policies and create and enforce a corporate culture of safety, this leads to fewer accidents on Saskatchewan roads.”
We have come to a time where if trucking companies do not want to be compliant and follow the rules and be safe drivers, then there is no place for you on Saskatchewan roads. The STA is involved in advocating for greater safety measures in the province. We have worked closely with SGI and the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure to help advance safety in the province. The STA is encouraged with new targeted legislation and safety projects being carried out by our government leaders.
The 2019/2020 Saskatchewan Provincial Budget will see $60 million is twinning and passing lanes on Saskatchewan Highways, in addition to another $65 million investment for the Enhanced Intersection Safety Program. The province has also seen the recent completion of the Regina Bypass, designed to re-route commercial traffic around the city of Regina. Within the first month of the Regina Bypass opening, on average, 5,630, including 1,230 commercial trucks use the bypass every day. This means improved safety and efficiency for people traveling in the Regina area.
Safety on the roads means a stronger economy, stronger communities and stronger families. Building a strong and safe Saskatchewan means working together. It is nice to see the habits of drivers changing in the province. #WeAreOnlyEffectiveTogether
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