Your Next Great Career: The New Trucking Industry

February 2, 2020

When you think about a career in the trucking industry, often we think long hours, poor pay, no flexibility, and repetitive tasks. What, however, if someone were to tell you a career in the trucking industry is innovative, flexible, and purpose-driven? If you knew that trucking was diverse, environmentally friendly and team-oriented, would you consider a career in this environment? Today’s trucking is just that. It is fast-paced, tech-savvy, committed to safety—and ultimately, here to stay.

Re-casting the way we view trucking is crucial to the sustainability of an industry that is critical to the Saskatchewan economy. Each year, trucking in Saskatchewan is responsible for $5.8 billion of Saskatchewan’s total GDP—in our landlocked province, trucking is essential.

Employers across the country and in Saskatchewan have been increasingly committing more resources in their effort to recruit new people to the trucking industry. At the Saskatchewan Trucking Association, our We Are Trucking Campaign looks not only to dispel myths and misconceptions of the current trucking industry but hopes to attract non-traditional audiences to the industry. According to Trucking HR Canada, the current face of the Canadian truck driver sees 32% of truck drivers being 55 years or older—only 21% of the entire Canadian labour force is that age. Maybe even more troublesome, 97% of truck transport drivers in Canada are men. Knowing this data, the STA has identified three key target markets: youth (under 23), career pivots (those thinking of a career change or semi-retirement) and women. In reaching these groups, it is our belief that we can entice someone to consider a career in the trucking industry.

The STA has identified opportunities for employers in Saskatchewan to help in their recruitment of the next generation of workers in the trucking industry. By 2025, according to the Asia Pacific Gateway Corridor Transportation Labour Market Outlook, 7,575 jobs will need to be filled, 83% being new entrants to the trucking industry. Luckily, the industry is diverse in the jobs that it offers. Are you interested in technology and the future of trucking? Join the 850 IT Specialists working in transportation and logistics. Maybe you enjoy planning and preparation; join the 16,730 dispatchers and route schedulers working in transportation and logistics. Trucking does not take place solely on the road, so what are you waiting for? Contact the STA today to learn more about our We Are Trucking Campaign and how to find your next great opportunity in the trucking industry.

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