Benefits of Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition

September 14, 2020

In March 2020, the Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA) was pleased to launch a Certificate of Recognition (COR) for employers in Trucking who develop health and safety programs that meet standards established by the Government of Saskatchewan. The STA encourages employers to register for this program to further a culture of safety in your business.

There are several benefits to becoming COR certified–let’s take a look:

  • By achieving a Certificate of Recognition employers can demonstrate to clients that their health and safety management system has been developed, implemented, and evaluated on an annual basis through comprehensive internal and external audits.
  • An audit is a comprehensive and detailed review of the employer’s health and safety management system. The audit will typically cover the basic elements of a health and safety management system and will include interviews, documentation review, and observation techniques to evaluate how well the employer is able to identify, assess, and control risks to workers.
  • The audit criteria utilized by the Certificate of Recognition program are recognized by industries throughout Canada. Your company will be part of a nationwide network participating in and promoting health and safety excellence.
  • In a situation where there is a need to demonstrate that you have an active health and safety management system, participation in the Certificate of Recognition program is an asset.
  • Firms that are registered in the Certificate of Recognition program may qualify ahead of others for certain jobs. Clients often make a requirement for contractors bidding on jobs in order to be more confident in the contractor’s health and safety performance.
  • Effective development and maintenance of a health and safety management system is a proactive approach to eliminating workplace injuries and illnesses.
  • Corporate image will be enhanced within the industry and community. Commitment to a strong culture of safety will attract safety-conscious workers.
  • Providing immediate proof that you have an effective health and safety management system in place will give your organization a competitive advantage. Clients can be assured that you will bring a superior level of health and safety practices to the workplace.

Still have questions on why you should get involved? Contact Nelson Howe, Manager of Loss Prevention, Program Implementation and Trucking COR. You can also direct yourself to our website to learn more!

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