Ministry of Highways Survey Results

February 4, 2021

REGINA SK, (February 4, 2021) — STA Carrier Members have their say… Being the voice of trucking in Saskatchewan for 80 years starts with an engaged membership. Thank you to all the STA Carrier Members who participated in our Ministry of Highways Survey. The feedback received will guide the STA’s work with Highways for the year of 2021 and into the future. Our survey covered the topics of Electronic Logging Devices and Hours of Service, Saskatchewan Highway Patrol, and rest stops and infrastructure.

ELDs and Hours of Service

On hours of service, we asked if Members would like to see Saskatchewan adopt/mirror the federal hours of service or keep provincial hours of service the same. The overwhelming majority of 72.7% of carriers said they would like to see Saskatchewan mirror the federal hours of service.

The Saskatchewan Trucking Association has been vocal to the Ministry of Highways of our desire to see this change.

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) are another pressing topic in Canada. When asked if their company is prepared for the June 12, 2021 ELD mandate, 77.3% of STA Carrier Members indicated they are prepared while 22.7% mentioned their unpreparedness for June 12, 2021.

In regards to enforcement on June 12, 2021, we also asked Members, would you like to see hard enforcement on non-compliant ELD’s on June 12, 2021, or soft enforcement with escalating penalties? Carrier Members are almost divided down the middle–54.5% would like to see soft enforcement with escalating penalties, and 45.5% would like hard enforcement on day one of the ELD mandate.

Saskatchewan Highway Patrol

The STA also looked to gauge perceptions of Saskatchewan highway patrol. Overall, STA Carrier Members view highway patrol in a positive light, with 44.4% indicating their perception is of high quality.

Rest Stops and Infrastructure

Lastly, rest stops and infrastructure. We began by asking, how would your company rate the condition of Saskatchewan rest stops/pullouts. 21.4% indicating very low quality, 28.6% indicated low quality, while 50% indicated neither high nor low quality. Overall, work needs to be done.

Finally, we asked Members to identify different infrastructure needs in the province. Common responses were around improved pullouts for commercial vehicles, toilets at rest areas, more passing lanes and twinning of the road as well as small-town bypasses on 4-lane highway systems such as Chamberlain.

Thank you again to STA Members for taking the time to fill out this short survey.  Our responses will be shared with the Ministry of Highways department as we look to build on our strong working relationship.

  • ELD compliance: hard enforcement   45.5%
  • ELD compliance: soft enforcement   54.5%
  • Rest Stops: Very low quality   21.4%
  • Rest Stops: neither high nor low quality   50%
  • Hours of Service: Keep Provincial HoS the same?   27.3%
  • Hours of Service: Adopt/mirror federal HoS?   72.7%

This is what it looks like on website currently:

Highways Survey Feb-4-21
Highways Survey Feb-4-21

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