Saskatchewan Survey on The Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations

September 28, 2021

The Ministry of Highways is conducting a red tape review of The Vehicle Weight and Dimension Regulations, 2010 (download below), and its associated policies, procedures, forms, permits, standards and licenses. We are interested in any ideas you or your associates may have for reducing red tape and regulatory barriers.

2021-09-28-Ministry of Highways VWD Survey

The purpose of this review is to identify and eliminate over-regulation.     

Please click on this link and complete the survey which should take five minutes. The survey will be available until October 20, 202. 

Please forward this survey to your membership. Please note that a similar invitation is being sent to multiple stakeholders and there is a possibility that a member may receive duplicates. We apologize for any confusion this may cause and only require the survey to be filled out once per person.

Thank you for your participation! 

Note: If the link provided does not work, please copy and paste the following line into your internet browser. 


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