Advocacy. Safety. Economy: Susan Ewart
May 06, 2022
As our provinces come out from under the veil of COVID, things have picked up in Saskatchewan and we are back at it in full force here at the Association. Events, tradeshows, and member visits are all happening or upcoming and will continue to keep our team remarkably busy into the summer months.
As our provinces come out from under the veil of COVID, things have picked up in Saskatchewan and we are back at it in full force here at the Association. Events, tradeshows, and member visits are all happening or upcoming and will continue to keep our team remarkably busy into the summer months.
We hosted our first in-person event in May, our Government Relations Reception where we bring our members together with our Government Stakeholders to talk about all things trucking and the challenges the industry is now facing in Saskatchewan.
The Honourable Fred Bradshaw, Minister of Highways spoke to our members on the significant role that trucking plays in our Saskatchewan Economy and thanked those in attendance for the work they do. We had excellent representation from our government. In attendance were the Ministry of Highways, Ministry of Environment, Trade & Export Development, Immigration & Career Training, SGI Carrier Services and SGI Canada.
The evening had the team at the STA connecting members with those in Government on issues surrounding labour challenges to tires. Member engagement and support are the keys to change within the industry in Saskatchewan. Our role at the Association is to create opportunities for engagement and education to create a strong and lasting business environment for the “For Hire Sector” in our Province.
Labour shortages are the key topic of conversation with members and the Advocacy work at the Association continues with our Provincial Government and the Ministry of Immigration & Career Training on how best to support Employers. The Association has several career fairs and trade shows lined up this spring to speak about opportunities in trucking in our province and encourage the next generation to look at trucking as a meaningful career path.
Recent statistics from the Canadian Trucking Alliance Image Campaign, Choose to Truck, are showing tremendous results for phase 1 with a total of 20.7 million impressions. Saskatchewan is fairing very well in those statistics. The combined efforts of the Saskatchewan Trucking Association marketing and the CTA Campaign will hopefully plant the seed for what opportunities lie in the trucking industry.
We at the STA are moving forward through, Advocacy, Safety & Training, and Economic Growth. Our members are the value-add piece to Saskatchewan’s Supply Chain. With an export-rich economy and land-locked province, the STA is a trusted industry ally, representing a strong, unified membership of professional trucking organizations.
Empowering Women with Transportation Industry Skills
Women Shifting Gears
The STA, YWCA Saskatoon and Saskatchewan Ministry of Immigration and Career Training have launched a pilot-program to encourage more woman to participate in the trucking industry.
Categories | Advocacy
Tags | Business Operations, Driver Shortage, Driving the Economy, Government, Safety