Government of Canada commits to economic recovery and supply chain sustainability by investing in Trucking HR Canada’s Career ExpressWay Program and more

Feb 09, 2023

OTTAWA, ON (February 9, 2023) – Today Trucking HR Canada (THRC) introduces a new addition to their Career ExpressWay Program. Thanks to funding from the Government of Canada under the Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program (SWSP), the trucking industry will look to recruit and onboard up to 2600 new workers in both driving and non-driving roles.

This new injection of funding will provide up to $10,000 to cover the cost of entry-level driver training for those looking to enter the occupation, along with a wage incentive of the same amount to support employers with onboarding, mentoring, and finishing training. Wage incentives are also available for new hires in other in-demand positions.

“Without truckers, groceries wouldn’t make it to the shelves of our local supermarkets and builders wouldn’t get the supplies they need. We’re investing in Trucking HR to make sure the industry can support truckers and the workers who help them by equipping them with the training and skills they need to meet the demand we know is there.” Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Disability Inclusion, Carla Qualtrough

“The trucking and logistics sector supports every key economic sector and is critical to Canadian economic recovery.” Says Angela Splinter, CEO, Trucking HR Canada. “Expanding and building on the success of THRC’s Career ExpressWay program was a specific recommendation in the National Supply Chain Task Force Report, and we are proud to see this important investment that will directly support industry employers in addressing labour shortages with the hardest to fill roles, while also connecting and preparing Canadians for well-paying jobs in our sector.”

This new project, made possible through a coalition of partners, will also include the development and piloting of a national occupational-level training standard. Building on THRC’s current national occupational standard for commercial drivers, this part of the project looks to build national consistency in training, support increased productivity, and bridge the gap between entry-level training and road readiness.  

The new project also supports the updating of THRC’s highly regarded labour market information work - including updating our demographic data to include Census 2021 data, conducting a new employer survey, and providing a new labour market supply and demand forecast up to 2028.

Trucking HR Canada was awarded just over 46 million in funding.

The industry coalition of partners includes the Canadian Trucking Alliance, the British Columbia Trucking Association, the Alberta Motor Transport Association, the Saskatchewan Trucking Association, Manitoba Trucking Association, Ontario Trucking Association, Association du camionnage du Quebec, Atlantic Provinces Trucking Association, the Insurance Bureau of Canada, The Private Motor Truck Council of Canada, Supply Chain Canada, cross-sectoral partners and more.

First announced in Budget 2021, the SWSP helps key sectors of the economy implement solutions to address their current and emerging workforce needs by funding organizations to deliver projects that focus on a range of industry-driven activities. These include training and reskilling workers, helping employers retain and attract a skilled and diverse workforce and other creative solutions to help sectors address labour market needs. It will also support equity-deserving groups by promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce and providing wrap-around supports as needed to those facing barriers to participation. Trucking HR Canada was part of a pre-approved list of organizations invited for a priority application process.

For more information, please contact:
Cecilia Reaburn
Manager, communications, and marketing



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