B.C. floods leave Saskatchewan truck drivers expecting delays

Nov 18, 2021

The ripple effects of the catastrophic B.C. floods have reached industries critical to Saskatchewan’s economy. Parts of key thoroughfares like the Coquihalla Highway have been obliterated, leaving routes in and out of the Lower Mainland cut off. The first priority has been to reach trapped residents, but critical trade routes are also in need of repair.

BC Floods Leave Saskatchewan Truck Drivers Expecting Delays

The ripple effects of the catastrophic B.C. floods have reached industries critical to Saskatchewan’s economy.

Parts of key thoroughfares like the Coquihalla Highway have been obliterated, leaving routes in and out of the Lower Mainland cut off. The first priority has been to reach trapped residents, but critical trade routes are also in need of repair.

“I’m very aware of multiple drivers who are kind of stranded out there right now,” said Jordan Ewart, manager of policy and government relations with the Saskatchewan Trucking Association.

“Anxiety is high. There are some fears. Families are becoming worried, so certainly we’re hoping for a quick end to some of this weather.”

In conversations with a Saskatchewan trucking company, Ewart said he was told the current situation is unprecedented and “one of the biggest challenges the industry has ever had to face.”

Grocery stores in British Columbia are grappling with empty shelves and dairy farmers have been told to dump their milk, leading to worries about future shortages in products like yogurt and butter.

There are also concerns about transporting sanitation products, Ewart said.

“There’s, without a doubt, going to be disruptions to the supply chain,” he said. “How long this takes is unknown at this time.”


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