Trucking HR Canada: Special Report May 2022
Jun 08, 2022

The labour shortages plaguing all sectors is certainly receiving more attention and heightened focus as we emerge from the pandemic and focus on economic recovery and growth. In this special labour market information report – we highlight some key findings from our most recent labour market information work including key considerations for trucking and logistics employers. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the underlying labour market challenges for trucking and logistics and highlighted key areas of concern. Given the importance of truck transportation to supporting growth in virtually every other sector, the projected labour shortages are likely to have significant knock-on effects for Canada’s overall recovery.
This Special Report: Driving Economic Recovery provides a THRC analysis and perspective on the ongoing challenges and opportunities within the trucking and logistics sector.
Scroll down to download the report.
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Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition
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Categories | Driver Shortage
Tags | Driver Shortage, Job Market, Labour Market Information
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Special Report May 2022
The labour shortages plaguing all sectors is certainly receiving more attention and heightened focus as we emerge from the pandemic and focus on economic recovery and growth.