STA Attends CTA Spring Meetings in Scottsdale, Arizona

Apr 06, 2023

It was an early start for STA representatives on March 25th as they headed to the airport to begin their trip away from the Saskatchewan snow and towards the Arizona sunshine. The CTA meetings that took place over the following three days were both informative and engaging, while also providing a networking opportunity for all participants. Notably, however, the highlight of the trip was the invitation to tour Nikola’s manufacturing facility in Coolidge, AZ.

STA Attends CTA Spring Meetings in Scottsdale, Arizona
Nikola Trucks

For those who are unfamiliar with Nikola, the corporation is a global transportation leader in zero-emissions and infrastructure solutions, that is currently developing battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. Headquartered in Phoenix, the production facility in Coolidge is 1 million-square feet with a production capacity of up to 20,000 trucks per year. 


We were treated to a full tour of the facility, which included fifteen building stations where each part was added on to the vehicle in a production line, the chassis dynamometer, and the test track. While moving through the production line, we saw the electric motor used in their battery electric model, which has the horsepower of 10 Teslas. Similarly, we saw the battery units Nikola makes in house, with each truck being equipped with nine 1,100 batteries each. Additionally, Nikola’s engineering team provided an up-close view and explanation of the hydrogen fuel cells currently in production. 

Mackenzie in Truck

Once our tour of the facility was complete, we headed outside to the test track where we given the opportunity to test the battery electric trucks ourselves. Given my lack of experience in operating a heavy-duty vehicle, I was apprehensive to get behind the wheel. After some persuasion from my colleagues, I climbed up into the driver’s seat and set off through the obstacle track. The truck itself went 0 to 60 mph in roughly 10 seconds and turned on a dime. I completed the maneuvers without hitting a single cone and made my way back to the finish line. I am by no means a professional driver, but I was pleased with my success and got some great action shots in the process!

With our tour and test-drive complete, we said our goodbyes and began the drive back up to Scottsdale as the sun was setting over the desert. All in all, this trip was one I will never forget and I look forward to next year’s meetings!

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