Tip Jar items from the STA
Aug 16, 2023
I remember when you planned an advertising promotion, you purchased a square in the local newspaper, then a part of the rink boards at the hometown hockey rink and shazam there it was, your marketing program. So much has changed today with social media and targeting the exact market through analytics. We wanted to share a couple of suggestions for marketing with the STA, especially for affiliate members.
Highlight your specialty – One thing we have learned at the STA is that our carrier members are very focused on their day-to-day operations. An affiliate member needs to show what their specialty is and how the product or service can improve a carrier’s operation through increased profit or efficiency.
Understand their business – We have a member roster on the STA website that has company details on a carrier member. You can use these to customize your communication focus and style. It shows that you took the time to understand what they do and helps promote the level of customer service you can provide them.
Use our media outlets – We encompass much more than just a website (although we think it is a very good website!!) Our media exposure stretches out to our social media platforms, email blasts, podcasts, magazines, and even radio ads. We can customize these for one event or for a year-long multimedia drive.
Sponsor, Sponsor, Sponsor - We have many events during the year that can be sponsored. Our carrier members recognize when affiliates support events that they are also providing support for advocacy for the entire trucking industry. Connect yourself with more than just your product or service.
Ask for help – We recently supported an affiliate initiative for a charity event and were able to source out 1000 meals for that member. The STA has many contacts in industry and government, and we are here to help with any event and brainstorm to find solutions.
Share the brand – We have had many members ask us for our STA logo to attach to their websites. When organizations see that you are an STA member, it shows that your company understands the importance of supporting the trucking industry and what it stands for. The STA can supply all sizes and shapes for most webpages.
Here were a couple of tips we found in our tip jar to share. We hope that there is a suggestion here that can help elevate your advertising game. The STA especially appreciates it when any member advertises with us as the funds collected help to support our goal to be the voice of the trucking industry. In addition, it helps us continue to be that seat at the table during governmental discussions on trucking related matters. Please reach out to any of the friendly staff at the STA through a phone call or an email if you would like to know specific options or if you have questions. We are happy to help.
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