Fundamentals of Auditing Online

| STA Online Training |

Take advantage of Fundamentals of Auditing being offered Online!

Course Content

This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of auditing.

You will explore key topics such as:

  • The purpose and objectives of auditing
  • Different types of audits
  • Fundamental skills for gathering and analyzing information

Through methods like document review, observation, and interviews, you will learn essential validation techniques. Completing this course will prepare you for further auditing electives offered by the STA.

Mandatory or Elective Training: CTSC Mandatory, CTSP Mandatory, Certificate of Recognition Mandatory

Student Profile: Safety and Management Personnel

Pre-requisites: None.

Language of Instruction: English

STA Online LMS

This online training course is delivered in partnership with, a trusted Saskatchewan Trucking Association partner.

Student Self-Service, Online
2 Day Classroom Equivalent

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