Professional Driver Improvement Course (PDIC)
| Commercial Driver Training |
This course is designed for all drivers, regardless of the amount of time they have been involved in the transportation industry.
Course Content
- Attitude, Image and Public Relations
- Driver Fitness, Fatigue and Alertness
- Hours of Service Overview
- Vehicle Inspections
- Airbrakes Overview
- Professional Defensive Driving Techniques
- Passing, Following and Stopping
- Backing
- Determining Preventability
- Adverse Conditions
- Off-Highway Driving
Benefits of Taking PDIC
Acquiring of the knowledge, skills, and judgement to function as a professional driver.
Admission Requirements and Prerequisites
PDIC certification expires every four years.
Student Profile: Drivers.
Pre-requisites: None
Language of Instruction: English
Carrier Safety Training Registration Form
Download, complete and submit this form to register for Carrier Safety Training
Course Calendar
Instructor-led in-person and video conference training is offered on a calendar schedule.
Upcoming Opportunties
Professional Driver Improvement Course
Location: Via Zoom
Please send an email to info@sasktrucking.com if you are wanting to register for the entire CoR or CTSC/CTSP program all at once.
Starts Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - 9:00 am
Ends Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - 4:30 pm
Do you need a solution to reduce your work place injuries & illnesses?
Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition
Are you looking to provide your employees with new skills? Is having a safe and employee-friendly workplace part of your company culture? The Trucking Industry Certificate of Recognition (CoR) is an industry-evaluated health & safety program recognized by the WCB and Work Safe Saskatchewan.