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2020-01-29 All Roads Lead to Safety: Saskatchewan Sees Lowest Number of Recorded Road Fatalities in 2019

All Roads Lead to Safety: Saskatchewan Sees Lowest Number of Recorded Road Fatalities in 2019

Jan 29, 2020 | Highways, Safety, SGI

The Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA) is happy to see the recent report from Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) on the reduced...

2020-01-24 RE SGI: Updated Reciprocity Agreement Allows Insulin-Using Diabetics to Operate Commercial Vehicles in US

RE SGI: Updated Reciprocity Agreement Allows Insulin-Using Diabetics to Operate Commercial Vehicles in US

Jan 24, 2020 | FMCSA, SGI

SGI announces a change to the medical reciprocity agreement between Canada and the United States (US) with respect to Commercial...

2020-01-09 STA Lobbies for Improved Stopping Infrastructure

STA Lobbies for Improved Stopping Infrastructure

Jan 09, 2020 | Highways, NSC, Rest Stops

The Saskatchewan Trucking Association (STA) is currently engaged in advocating for improved stopping infrastructure in the province having formed a...

We are now offering a self-paced program helping to foster an inclusive workplace, boost team morale, and improve company performance by embracing diverse perspectives and promoting equity.

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